Our Stories
Does Bilberry Extract Improve Night Vision in Pilots?
Some supplement makers have promoted Bilberry Extract as a means to improve night vision. The implications for a pilot are obvious. But does it really work?
February 25, 2015
The Golden Age
Its a habit of human nature to glorify the past. So what truth is there to a long-forgotten Golden Age of Medicine or Aviation. Click & Find Out!
February 2, 2015
The USAF Pilot-Physician Program
The USAF Pilot-Physician program was created in order to form a unique cooperative partnership between the medical and pilot communities. In this blog post, flight surgeon & F-22 pilot Jay 'BONES' Flottmann explains the history and unique aspects of this unprecedented program.
January 27, 2015
Gas Laws in Aerospace Physiology
This post is a review of the gas laws that play a role in aerospace physiology and medicine. Read more!
January 3, 2015
Dr Story Musgrave - Physician, Pilot, Astronaut
Neurosurgeon, USAF & NASA test pilot, mathematician, author, public speaker, trauma surgeon, NASA astronaut. Overachiever? This is the life of Dr Story Musgrave!
December 30, 2014
Ground Collision Avoidance Technology
Ground Collision Avoidance Technology (GCAT) was developed by NASA and employed in multiple military fighter aircraft in order to save pilot lives and prevent unnecessary loss of aircraft. Read more about this fascinating technology was developed and used in modern combat aviation.
December 14, 2014
Aviation Podcast "Slipstream Radio" Features GFM
In January 2014, F-22 Raptor driver and creator of TallyOne, Rob "Shotz" Burgon partnered with commercial aviator Brent Owens of iFlyBlog to create a unique podcast for aviation enthusiasts called Slipstream Radio.
November 30, 2014
Fellowships in Wilderness Medicine
The niche medical specialty known as Wilderness Medicine is not officially a subset of Aerospace Medicine, but similarities abound. There are a variety of fellowship training opportunities at residencies across the country. See where some of these best training programs are found.
November 28, 2014
Investigating Pilot Error in Plane Crashes: A Human Factors Analysis
The FAA, DoD, and NASA has a very specific and intentional approach to mishap analysis after a devastating accident. Learn more about this approach that has led to aviation becoming the safest and most reliable form of transportation in the modern era.
November 22, 2014
The Risk of Flight – Training Accidents
This guest post written by F-22 pilot and owner of Tally One Rob SHOTZ Burgon discusses the controversial topic of in-flight training mishaps.
November 12, 2014